Come get your photo taken in front of “Color Me Cruces”! An interactive postcard themed mural measuring 16 x 20 feet featuring the words, “Greetings from Downtown Las Cruces”, this is the very definition of uniquely Las Cruces. Located on the North-facing wall of Insta-Copy (318 N Main), each letter of “Las Cruces” features iconic Las Cruces visuals; such as New Mexico State University mascot Pistol Pete, the historic St. Genevieve’s church, and the Rio Grande Theatre
“Color Me Cruces” was made possible by a grant from New Mexico Resiliency Alliance awarded to the Downtown Las Cruces Partnership (DLCP). The mural was completed, with the aid of youth volunteers from the Las Cruces Parks and Recreation Department, by artists and local business owners Anahy Nunez (of Atom Bomb Studio), Aaron Valenzuela (of Atom Bomb Studio) and Christina Ballew (of NMCO Media).
Be sure to share your photos of “Color Me Cruces” on social media! #DLCP #ColorMeCruces #MuralsOfLasCruces #DowntownLasCruces #awesomepostcardthemedmuralinlascruces #YourePhotogenicSoGoStrikeAPose #obnoxiouslylonghashtagsarethebest