Meet the DLCP Board!

Dolores Archuleta

Today I am sitting with former city councilor, Veterans advocate, and current Downtown Las Cruces Partnershiimg_1383p (DLCP) board member, Dolores Archuleta. After getting to know Arianna Parsons, the executive director of DLCP, Ms. Archuleta decided to join the DLCP board of directors in 2015. One of her favorite accomplishments while on the DLCP board is not only the construction of downtown’s Plaza de Las Cruces but also coming up with the name. “We want the new plaza to bring people downtown and enjoy the businesses and events that take place here. Some people in Las Cruces have yet to see the new plaza and we want to change that.”

“One thing I love about being from Las Cruces [and downtown] is that everyone is so nice; our community has a unique identity that you cannot find in other places.” Growing up in the heart of Las Cruces, Ms. Archuleta recalls the days when she and friends would go to the movie theater and ice cream parlor downtown. Ms. Archuleta states that downtown will “never be the same as it once was,” however she and DLCP are bringing new life to it in hopes of making downtown an attraction for tourists and locals to enjoy spending their free time in. In the future she hopes to see some of the characteristics from her childhood back in downtown such as an ice cream parlor, movie theater, and more restaurants.

Much like the spirit of downtown, Ms. Archuleta brings unique ideas to the DLCP board. The Downtown Las Cruces Partnership could not be happier to have Ms. Archuleta’s downtown experience to help contribute to our mission.